2 kode ki philosophy
In an outdoor setting of a quetta hotel. I was having a deep conversation with a friend. I felt very bothered when a begging woman stood next to me, asking for money. My friend handed her some money and for a brief few seconds she still stood waiting. Maybe she wanted me to give her something. It felt as if the greed in her eyes made me feel disrespected…
Later on, I kept thinking about all the encounters I had with beggars. The nagging that occurred when I sometimes did not have money on me, I had forgotten my wallet somewhere, or when I gave what I thought was too much money, only for them to ask me to buy something else as well.. I felt used and disrespected. Even though I was the one with the giving hand. It always felt like I was the one on the receiving end of this power dynamic.
After giving this much thought, I came to the conclusion to hand over coins to beggars. Instead of a bill. (This even sounds disrespectful… I know) If they actually said sth nice and leave, showing that they are grateful. I would give them more money respectfully. If not then they can just leave it at that or throw the coin back to my face. Even as a beggars they have pride worth more than a penny. Right?
The Relevation
Doesn’t God treat us in a similar way? we ask/beg God for things? Doesn’t he always tests us to see If we are grateful before granting what we wished for? It’s similarly disrespectful if you ask God for something and at the same time not respect him. If you think of God as a genie you’re aren’t giving the respect he deserves.

Part 2
What If another person saw me giving a lot of money after the coin experiment. Then they came to me and pulled the same stunt? Would I handover them good cash again? I mean I know they saw it all and they came back to take advantage of the situation cuz they came to me with greed. Again disrespectful. I wouldn’t handover any money to them… would you?
Relevation Part 2
Rich people when asked why they are rich they say we do charity or invest money in God’s path. When somebody listens to this and does the same thing seeing it as an investment with a good return plan. What happens? they end up with 0 monetory return on investment. They never invest with God again. When you bluntly breakdown faith “Sincerity in actions” is what distinguishes a believer from a hypocrite.

2 kodi k ninja