The text book definition of “meso” is hate, theism is all about having faith in existence of God. Isn’t this a very weird term or even a state of being, being a theist and still have the ill feeling of hate towards God.
This is viral, hearing this term, “Misotheism” It gives birth to resentment in the corner of your heart somewhere which is very hard to shake off. Becoming blind to blessings, seeing every small problem or setback as a curse. What a miserable life choice this is? isn’t it? or is it not?
“Don’t you believe in God’s mercy?”
“How can anybody hate God?”
“You have the wrong perception!”
If you reply this to a Misotheist, you weren’t listening, you don’t know what he’s going through. You didn’t connect. How did this happen if God was just merciful. let alone be most merciful.
The Sadistic Perspective?
The expectation of a perfect life hits you. When you try to find an answer to why your life sucks so much. At the same time everyone around tells you how God is in control of everything and he could solve your problems. Now you discovered your enemy. rather than just thinking he could solve your problems you think deeper and come to the conclusion that it’s God that has been pulling the strings, It’s because of him your life sucks and why wouldn’t you think that? I mean you didn’t pick the cards you were dealt.
“God wants it to happen” and “God Allowed it to happen” aren’t the same things. You could stop a man from buying a cigarrette at a store, but would you stop him or let him buy his cigarrette’s? If you are not a psycho and a reasonable human you would let him buy his cigarette’s. Is your action an act of mercy? If you think about it. It’s not an act of mercy. Go psycho mode then? How would that person react to your psycho mode? Probably he would want to punch your face. So you would rather just go with “allowing it to happen” mode. If you just go on ahead and not let the guy buy his cigarettes. You’ll have to piss the other person off. or If you were God you could rewrite it all and kill the other person’s free-will and get him to quit. But God respects your decisions and your free-will.
God wants you to have free-will above everything. Our actions lead to the consequences. Isn’t this what we have been seeing all our life. To the point that you don’t even see God intervene in any act. Whether it be sin or a good deed. God doesn’t intervene to bless neither punish. Unless there is a natural calamity which you have no control over, You can’t assume God did it. Because God has never claimed to do such a thing and It doesn’t suite his majesty to be mingling and pulling strings to bring misery into your life. If it’s not God who does it? Tell me did you hear a voice inside you that pointed to the sky and told you to look up and see who is there?
The whispers?
Everytime something happens that pisses you. There is a voice inside you that triggers you to point your anger at God cuz “look you don’t have much control, God is the capable one if he wanted you wouldn’t even be in this situation”. Is the voice a demon speaking? the devil? Satan? I mean C’mon the devil is a fabble tale right? don’t tell me you believe in an existence like this? It was just you who has been whining all your lifetime? is it so or is it not so?